Monthly Calendar of Events

The Study

Every year, Baptist women across Canada meet in small groups to do a pre-set Bible study that focuses on women from the Bible. Participants bring a small offering to support a joint project for a number of years. Great things happen! We hope you’ll gather some women together and try this study for yourself. Many groups choose a date in January but it’s not required.

2024’s study is The Women at the Cross, written by Rev. Sandy Sutherland, retired pastor with Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, with editing, design and additional content from Renee James, communications director with CBWOQ.

The Project

We will support Health and Mentorship for Girls and Boys in Kenya with the funds we raise through Great Canadian Bible Study. This project is overseen by Canadian Baptist Ministries, working alongside their ministry partner, Africa Christian Church & Schools (ACC&S),  in Kenya.

Did You Know?

Since 2007, thousands of Baptist women across Canada who’ve participated in the Great Canadian Bible Study have raised tens of thousands of dollars to assist women and girls at risk in India and Africa. Your offerings have been used for literacy programs, school repairs, equipment purchases, school supplies, medical assistance, trauma counselling, workshops to reduce discrimination of victims and their children, and to support microcredit programs.

And now, your donations in 2024 will support girls and boys in Kenya.

Access CBM~ACC&S Kenya Project, one page flyer

Access CBM~ACC&S Mentorship Project Video

So, get the women in your church organized; book off one night and do the study. And remember to make your cheque out to Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec, with GCBS written on the memo line.

Access the Great Canadian Bible Study - 2024

Access GCBS - 2024, 'The Women at the Cross' notes

Access Text Only Version of GCBS - 2024

Access GCBS years prior study materials